Copyright Decision Tool - Understanding Copyright

Case One

The first case was with the example of an artistic work, such as a painting, drawing, print, or photograph. In this scenario, the work was from a piece of  copyright-protected work for educational purposes as a class handout. If used in this way, this work is is permitted under fair dealing and may be copied completely.

Case Two

In this case the example used is a poem or musical score. With this scenario, the work of interest is not from a copyright-protected work containing other such works, meaning you cannot use more than 10% of the original work.

Case Three

The third case was with the example of a piece of audiovisual work, such as film, a television show, or sound recording. In this scenario, the work is being used in the classroom for educational purposes and is therefore permitted under fair dealing. However, this is only true if the work was obtained legitimately (borrowed, rented, or owned). If found online, the work can only be shown if the copyright holder permitted its use online.


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