Understanding Design Principles



  • The album cover has a dominant image (girl) in the centre of the photo, with "white space" or background noise on either side that balances the cover.
  • The black and white photo is juxtaposed with the the red of the band name in the top left corner.
  • The album cover is asymmetrical. 
Rhythm/Repetition (Movement/Pattern)
  • The girl in the image is laying down with her hips positioned towards the right of the frame. 
  • The girl's dress drapes in a similar pattern to the draping of the blanket in the background. 
  • The dark circles of the skeleton heads coincide with the circles in the girls pigtail and the open circles found in the bubble-like text font.
  • The image that acts as the focal point is the girl who takes up the majority of the frame. 
  • There is a small amount of text next to a large image.
  • The text in the top corner is both bolded and in the color red.
Unity/Proximity (Unity/Proportion)
  • This album uses only two different fonts.
  • The cover uses only two colours, red and grayscale.


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